On 2/12/07, Benjamin Slavin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/11/07, Honza Kr�l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > is this really necessary ? since you always subclass formsForm, why
> > wouldn't you use:
> > class PasswordChangeForm(forms.Form):
> >     def __init__( self, user, *args, **kwargs ):
> >         super(PasswordChangeForm, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs)
> >         self.user = user
> Actually, your suggestion was my original approach.
> The primary benefit of your suggestion is that it ensures that the
> arguments are passed (not as much checking is required in the form).
> > I agree that its a little bit more typing, but its also more generic
> > and doesn't add functionality that will be left unused in 9 uses out
> > of ten.
> I agree with your evaluation that it won't be used in 9 out of 10
> cases... but that still means a usage rate of 10%.  I do feel that
> this is a common usage pattern.
> The reason that I make the suggestion is that I found myself using
> this functionality (overriding __init__) in a number of places (clear
> violation of DRY). Aside from the DRY aspect, I don't like the idea of
> asking newbies to override __init__ for a common case.

I am mortified when thinking about people that cannot override
__init__ in a blink of an eye doing actual programming. ;) (look where
it got PHP ;) )

> Also, this functionality has very low overhead... the diff for my
> current implementation (without tests or docs) is two lines.

true, but what would happen if you added two lines (or worse - an
extra argument to a generic function/method) for everything that 10%
of people would use and is easily (even though maybe little clumsily)
done without it? Certainly nothing I would want to use (subjectively).

I personally love the fact, that Django is simple, no feature bloat,
everything is as simple as possible while maintaining 100% usability.

It's just my personal opinion, but from the look of the code its
shared among others as well.

>  - Ben
> >

Honza Kr�l
ICQ#:   107471613
Phone:  +420 606 678585

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