On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 12:23 -0700, Brian Harring wrote:
> Just filed ticket 4565, which basically converts template rendering 
> away from "build a string within this node of subnode results, return 
> it, wash rinse repeat", and into "yield each subnode chunk, and my 
> data as it's available".
> The pros of it are following (copy/pasting from the ticket):
> * instant results; as long as you don't have any tags/nodes that 
> require collapsing their subtree down into a single string, data is 
> sent out immediately. Rather nice if you have a slow page- you start 
> getting chunks of the page immediately, rather then having to wait for 
> the full 10s/whatever time for the page to render.
> * Far less abusive on memory; usual 'spanish inquisition' heavy 
> test test (term coined by mtreddinick, but it works), reduction from 
> 84m to 71m for usage at the end of rendering. What I find rather 
> interesting about that reduction is that the resultant page is 6.5 
> mb; the extra 7mb I'm actually not sure where the reduction comes 
> from (suspect there is some copy idiocy somewhere forcing a new 
> string)- alternatively, may just be intermediate data hanging around, 
> since I've been working with this code in one form or another for 3 
> months now, and still haven't figured out the 'why' for that diff.

There was one subtle bug whose fix negates these improvements in some
cases: if any middleware needs access to the contents of the response,
we need to store a copy of the stringified response content. Since the
iterator version isn't rewindable, you get to access the iterators once
only. That's handled automatically, though, so it's only a penalty in
the necessary cases and never a development burden.

Other than that (and a few minor formatting things), the patch was fine.
All committed now -- along with protection against infinite looping in


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