Just thought I'd mention one other point to consider: at least in
postgresql, there is a configuration option to transform "= NULL" to
"IS NULL" on the fly. [1] So if you're using "= NULL" (which is an
error in virtually all cases) you may get different results on
different databases anyway. Using "IS NULL" is unambiguous.


On Jul 17, 11:24 am, David Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm still not quite sure what the point of having None not mean NULL
> is. '' is not None, False is not None. If this is what it's currently
> doing then the ORM handles it incorrectly. Yes, it may be a backwards
> incompatible change, but who relies on None? I've yet to see
> myfield=None pull any results from my database, whether the field was
> an empty string or a NULL value.
> I'd also like to point out the obvious that Django does make quite a
> few backwards incompatible changes, and this one, I don't think has
> any serious chance to cause a ruckus with current code. It's a hell of
> a lot easier than changing auto_now to datetime.datetime.now
> everywhere ;)
> If Django's ORM can't evolve then Django can't evolve.
> On Jul 17, 7:54 am, "Marty Alchin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 7/17/07, Michael Radziej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > b) the new meaning will lead newbies to a wrong understanding of SQL, 
> > > since they will
> > > assume that 'WHERE col=NULL' means 'WHERE col is NULL', which it does
> > > not.
> > I've been avoiding this topic for the most part, but I'd like to put
> > my two cents in on this comment. To my knowledge, much of the point of
> > Django is to avoid having to deal with SQL wherever possible, so I
> > find it strange to think that Django should try to be a tool for
> > teaching SQL to the uninitiated. The ORM is a way to map logical
> > Python code to function SQL statements, that's all. If it makes sense
> > in Python and works properly in SQL, it's a success.
> > If users want to learn SQL, they shouldn't be using Django to do it.
> > And if they do, that's on them if they run into problems. At least,
> > that's the way it seems to me. Ignore it if you like.
> > -Gul

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