I feel that returning an empty queryset where value=None is just
laziness. Yes, maybe it will break things, but maybe those things are
meant to be broken. You could just as easily say myfield__exact which
would work as it would before, and leave the default to isnull for
None. This is similar to how you can (I believe) say myfield=[list]
and it does myfield__in.

On Jul 17, 5:54 pm, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 7/17/07, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2007-07-17 at 07:28 +0200, Michael Radziej wrote:
> > [...]
> > > While interpreting __exact=None as "WHERE ... = NULL" might confuse new
> > > users, it is probably just what users used to SQL expect (at least for me 
> > > it
> > > comes quite naturally).
> > I wasn't convinced by this argument back in October and I still aren't.
> I suppose if I had to defend it now, I would rephrase this argument
> slightly. I would say that =NULL _is_ a different query to IS NULL.
> API beauty and Python symmetry is important, and I agree that in the
> Python context, exact=None reads as isnull=True. However, IMHO so is
> being able to touch as many SQL queries as possible. I'd like to think
> that if a developer needs to write a particular query, the Django ORM
> will get them there.
> However, looking at the issue again, I'm not as convinced as I
> obviously was in October. It's entirely possible I was just too close
> to the underlying implementation at the time, and was seeing edge
> cases that, in practice, don't exist. Mea culpa.
> > I'm not convinced about the huge negative impact of the change, either.
> Not sure I agree here. Any query that has been set up as
> filter(foo=value) will be expecting no results to be returned if value
> is None. If we make _equals=None map to __isnull=True, the same query
> could start returning results if field foo has null=True in its
> definition.
> To me, this sounds like a big enough backwards compatibility problem
> to be a concern.
> This isn't to say I'm completely opposed to making the change - just
> that we shouldn't underestimate how big a change it could be.
> For the record, I'm a weak +0 on making the change. IMHO, the
> backwards compatibility objections are significant enough to warrant
> caution, but I can see the value in the syntactic change. I'm more
> than happy to leave the call to someone else, and I could happily live
> with either outcome.
> > There was *one* use-case touted (by Deryck Hodge) in the original
> > thread.
> Deryck's use case is slightly different, to my reading. I believe he
> was talking about the original behaviour, where __exact=None was a
> completely ignored operation - which was the behaviour causing dramas
> for related objects.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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