On 8/31/07, Marty Alchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I won't pretend to have tested everything, but it looks like Django on
> Jython (Jango? Djython?)

Jyngo? [Not a native speaker, so I really don't know which sounds better]

> should work fairly well once it has a
> database backend and a request handler. I have no idea how much it
> would take to write a db backend using zxJDBC,

I've been doing something in that department, copying
postgresql_psycopg2/ to postgresql_zxjdbc/ and doing some tweaks.

The first problem I encountered was that zxJDBC expects question marks
instead of '%s' as parameter marks on cursor.execute(). And now I'm
working on some mapping problems with python boolean being treated as
integers on the JDBC layer.

Anyway, I got to the point where the development server running on
jython shows the "It works" page. And now I'm trying run syncdb.

I'll post my changes (well, hacks) against the Django svn codebase as
soon as I can.
Leo Soto M.

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