This whole thing reminds me of something I've had rattling around in
my head for a while, and maybe now's the time to bring it to the
group. In addition to the language of blog posts, I've often had a
hard time tracking down information from past conversations that have
happened in the community.

There's an aggregator, IRC log, various mailing list archives, wiki
articles, ticket comments, localized community sites, the list goes on
and on. In the spirit of community-oriented sites (like djangosites,
djangosnippets, etc), I'd like to propose djangochatter, a site
dedicated to aggregated, managing and distributing communication
taking place in the Django community.

Essentially, it could pull together information from *all* those
various sources, index it for searching, provide feeds for various
tags and keywords (users would have to tag entries manually). In light
of this discussion, I expect it could also reasonably auto-detect the
text's language, so users could sign up for a feed for whatever
language(s) they can understand.

Ideally it would also have a complete (or as near as possible) archive
of *past* chatter as well. Pull together all the existing feed
history, mailing list discussions, IRC logs, wiki history, existing
ticket comments, and make them all available in a single place all at

Basically, while I feel the existing aggregator is quite useful, and
has served the community well, I think there's more that can be done,
and there's no need to require the "official" site to handle it. In
fact, I would think that once djangochatter.(com|net|org) is up and
running, the existing aggregator could just redirect over to the
appropriate page and feed URLs and be done with it.

I don't have time to head this up, but I think it would be extremely
useful for everybody. I know I've spoken with a few people about this
in the past, but is anybody interested in heading this up? I'd love to
see it happen, and I'm more than willing to take part in discussions,
but I just can't dedicate myself too much to it at the moment.


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