Hi folks --

I've reorganized the 1.1 feature list
(http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/Version1.1Features) and added "short
codes" so we can have a quick shorthand as we review features.

I've also reviewed most of the features on the list. I'll talk about the
review process -- and how y'all can contribute -- below, but if you just wanna
see my thoughts, they're here:

I'd like to ask committers and anyone else to send me their own rankings. The
easiest way is just to copy the spreadsheet and send it to me when you're
done, but if you're anti-google just email me something I can read with codes,
scores, and any notes. I'll add other folks' rankings to the master page as I
get 'em.

Committers: please get me your thoughts ASAP.

Please use the standard +1/+0/-0/-1 ranking. In this case the scores
have some additional meaning:

+1 -- "Yes!"

    For "must-have" features.

    A +1 from a committer means that s/he will champion the feature, guide
    the implementor (or implement it personally), review the patch, and commit
    the feature personally.

    A +1 from a non-committer is an offer to personally work on the feature,
    or to help the person working on it by reviewing the patch, testing, etc.

+0 -- "OK"

    For features that are a "good idea".

    A +0 from a committer means that s/he will not stand in the way of the
    feature, but also won't personally invest much effort in it.

-0 -- "Meh"

    For features that don't seem all that hot.

    A -0 from a committer indicates disapproval, but that s/he won't argue
    against the feature if another committer approves it.

-1 -- "No!"

    A strong vote against.

    A -1 from a committer essentially is a veto. No features will be checked
    in with a -1 vote from a committer; only if s/he gets talked up to a -0
    or better will the feature happen.

Using these votes, we'll make lists of "must-have", "nice-to-have", and
"deferred", and "rejected" features. These lists will be based on the
following criteria, but remember there's a holistic aspect to this process.
We'll use the votes to draft a feature list, but we'll also open up the list
for discussion and make changes accordingly.

"Must-have" features:

    * +1s from multiple committers.

    * A committer who can work on the feature, or a lieutenant (or more than
      one) willing and able to implement the feature.

    * No votes from committers worse than +0.

    * Unfinished features on this list will delay the release. Thus,
      no single committer can be the sole champion for more than a
      couple-three features. That means the maximum size of this list is about
      15-20 features, and will likely be closer to 10-12.

"Nice-to-have" features:

    * At least one +1 from a committer.

    * A lieutenant or committer who'll work on the feature.

    * No votes from committers worse than -0.

    * These will be the focus of work after the must-haves.

"Deferred" features:

    * No +1 votes, but no -1 votes either, or features that lack a

    * This list will likely be full of good ideas that we'll look at again for
      the 1.2 release.

"Rejected" features

    * No +1 votes from committers, few +0s, and at least one -1. Think an
      average of worse than -0.

    * We'll reject these features, and wontfix any related tickets.

    * This doesn't, though, mean "rejected for all eternity" -- folks who feel
      strongly can bring up these features again during another feature review



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