On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > So, the latest patch on #8183 (8138alternate-nodoctestxaction.diff) does
>> > not
>> > enclose doctest runs in a rolled-back transaction.  Thus the effects of
>> > doctests can still bleed over into subsequent tests.  This doesn't
>> > actually
>> > cause any failures or errors when running the Django test suite, as far
>> > as
>> > I've seen.  I'm inclined to think it's an OK alternative at least for
>> > the
>> > short term, but would be interested in hearing other opinions.
>> I can't say this concerns me particularly. Doctests are nice and all,
>> but they aren't a particularly sophisticated testing option. IMHO if
>> you have complex testing requirements, you should probably be looking
>> at moving beyond doctests.
> OK, so that sounds like one vote for leaving things as they are for
> doctests, that is with no rolled-back transaction cleaning up after them.
>> [snip]
>> >2 - Think some more about TransactionTestCase.  This isn't used by any of
>> > the Django tests but I think needs to be provided in case anyone has
>> > tests
>> > that really do need to make use of transactions internally.  I think,
>> > though, there is currently a bit of a problem with mixing
>> > TransactionTestCases with TestCases since the former clears the DB on
>> > entry
>> > but not afterward, so its effects are not cleaned up, while TestCases
>> > assume
>> > the DB is clean on entry.
>> I agree that the TransactionTestCase needs to be provided, even if we
>> aren't using it.
>> The mixing of TransactionTestCase and TestCase doesn't worry me so
>> much; using doctests and TestCase requires that you are aware of the
>> way that they interact; this just introduces a different set of
>> expectations that we need to manage.
>> For me, a bigger concern is the change in behaviour of TestCase.
>> Moving to a transaction-based TestCase needs to be a zero-impact
>> operation, but under the current patch, it isn't. With the existing
>> code, a TestCase could assume that the database was clean at the start
>> of each test; this isn't the case after applying this patch.
> OK, so what to do?  Sources of pollution on entry to a TestCase using the
> rollback approach are previously run doctests and (given the way
> TransactionTestCase is currently written) previously run
> TransactionTestCases.  The latter could be dealt with by modifying
> TransactionTestCase to flush/syncdb after the run in addition to (or instead
> of, if we manage to guarantee clean DB on entry) before the run.  That
> leaves the doctests again. Some (not fully thought-out) ideas for dealing
> with them:
> 1 - Reconsider the idea of cleaning up after each doctest.
> 2 - I've not looked at the test discovery/running machinery at all.  Maybe
> there is a way to modify it to run all unit tests, then all doctests instead
> of interspersing them as it currently does?  That way we could guarantee
> clean DB on entry to unit tests because no doctests would have been run
> before the unit tests.
> 3 - Instead of changing TestCase to use the rollback approach and providing
> an opt-out in the form of TransactionTestCase, leave TestCase as it is and
> provide a new (e.g. LightningFastTestCase) option that uses rollback.
> Change Django tests to use the new faster testcase, but require people with
> their own tests to make the decision as to whether they want to switch to it
> for their own tests.
> Of the three #2 sounds most attractive to me, but I have no idea if it is
> feasible.
> #3 would also protect people from being bitten by invalid assumptions (e.g.
> primary keys are assigned starting at one) if we switch TestCase to the
> rollback approach.  Without doing something like #3 I'm not sure we can
> really guarantee zero-impact of this change for user-written tests.

#3 sounds like the nicest option to me. #1 introduces even more
slowdowns caused by flush operations; #2 might be possible, but I
suspect it will be a complex solution to implement. #3 is a simple
approach to implement, easy to explain, and opt-in for any existing
usage, so it should be zero impact.

If I'm wrong on the complexity of #2, it might be preferable, but I
don't think it will be easy.

Russ %-)

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