That is definitely a very interesting and useful example, appreciate
you posting it.  I just took a quick look at the source for class
ModelAdmin and it seems to me that the get_changelist_formset() and
get_changelist_form() methods do not have the obj argument, so I don't
see how to do the same thing in the changelist.  This is one of the
things I struggled with, and why I had to extract the id field out of
the form and send it back with my ajax request.  Am interested in if
you see a workaround for that - I would definitely prefer to not be
using ajax calls.


On May 26, 5:05 pm, Ulrich Petri <> wrote:
> > I don't know - maybe my needs are unusual.  It's definitely not your
> > standard blog app ... so if I am too much on the outskirts for this to
> > be something that we consider in the development community, I can
> > understand that.  But it seems to me that having a dynamic (ie, object
> > based) way to pair down options in a drop down would be something that
> > would be useful to others.    And while I have a solution here, it was
> > pretty tough  to get to and required a lot of studying and stepping
> > through the source code.
> > Anyway, hope the problem I am trying to solve and the solution I have
> > posted are understandable.  Would love to hear from those in the
> > development community as to whether you think this is a wortwhile
> > addition.
> It is quite possible to refer to the "parent" object without any ajax
> magic (at least in the changeview, but I guess it should be doable for
> the changelist also).
> I put a short example here:
> Ulrich
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