I can appreciate the need for this setting (among other things, it
might make migrating URLs from systems where this is more standard
(e.g., Drupal) simpler), but I wouldn't go so far as to talk about an

Unless we're proposing to remove all slashes from all URLs--which is
certainly possible with our URL system--there's always going to be
some hint of that, but I think the slashes represent a hierarchy more
than they do a directory structure. Sure, directories were a big
influence on why the slashes ended up there in the first place, but I
don't think anyone is sufficiently taken by this "illusion" that they
think there's actually a file called "2b6a459329fe498a" in a folder
called "thread" when they read this discussion...


On Jun 14, 12:53 am, "M. N. Islam Shihan" <mnis4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1
> I also like the remove_slash version of urls over the append_slash  
> version as the trailing slash creates a directory structure illusion  
> which is not true.
> Cheers
> Shihan
> On Jun 14, 2009, at 11:12 AM, donquixote <klabaut...@googlemail.com>  
> wrote:
> > Ok, I know similar questions have been asked about the trailing slash
> > before. See
> >http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread...
> > My proposal is a little different:
> > - I agree there should be only one url for each page. Any alias urls
> > should be redirected.
> > - I think that trailing slashes look ugly, and should be avoided for
> > good style.
> > Nice (i):
> >http://mysite.org/members/emil
> >http://mysite.org/members/emil/contact
> > Not nice (ii):
> >http://mysite.org/members/emil/
> >http://mysite.org/members/emil/contact/
> > Even worse (iii):
> >http://mysite.org/members/emil////////////
> > etc
> > Or worst (iv):
> >http://mysite.org////members////emil////////////
> > So, ideally I want the (ii) and (iii) and (iv) type of urls (with more
> > slashes than needed) redirected to the first type of urls (with no
> > trailing slash, and no duplicate slashes). For the duplicates I don't
> > care that much, most important is the case (ii) with one trailing
> > slash.
> > And this is how I imagine this to work:
> > - In addition to the existing option of append_slash, we get one more
> > option, which is remove_slash.
> > - With the setting enabled, for any given url there will be two
> > versions computed: One reduced version without duplicates and without
> > trailing slash, and one version without duplicates but with one
> > trailing slash appended.
> > - The dispatcher will give both versions a try.
> > - If the original url had a trailing or duplicate slash, and no other
> > redirect directive has been triggered, the request will be redirected
> > to the reduced version.
> > - If the original url was "clean", django can now execute the action
> > determined by the dispatcher.
> > I think this will be more useful than the append_slash mechanic.
> > Thanks!
> > donquixote

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