On Sep 28, 6:57 pm, Rob Hudson <treborhud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For lack of knowing about anything better, I keep falling back to
> Werkzeug's HTMLBuilder class[1].  Pulled out and stripped of comments,
> it weighs in at 77 lines of code...

That's not so bad. I was worried about pulling in a large dependency,
but 77 lines (probably dropped in to django.utils.builder or similar)
isn't particularly alarming. I'm still a bit sceptical of introducing
another markup abstraction just to solve this one problem. I wonder if
it could be used to tackle the RSS/Atom generation problem as well?

> I agree with what I think I'm reading here -- a goal being to give
> designers more fine grained control over the form and form elements at
> the template level.

Yes, that's exactly it. Designers should be able to do anything they
like with forms at the template level (hence the {% field form.name
class="foo" %} suggestion). Again, this makes me slightly cautious
about the HTMLBuilder approach since exposing that at the template
level is virtually impossible.

> I think you might want both 1 and 3.  (1) for those that want finer
> control or just don't want to use the underlying HTML wrapper, and (3)
> for those that do.
> Would it be something to consider adding special case tag, like
> comments, to represent the self closing slash depending on current
> context's doctype?  For example, something like {% / %}?

I'm really not in favour of 3. 1 I think is OK - as I mentioned above,
I added it to django-html as {% slash %} and it's actually not that
unpleasant. I think I'd rather avoid adding custom syntax like {% / %}
just to support this one tiny edge case (I strongly expect most Django
developers won't ever want to write code that's doctype agnostic - and
as Max mentioned, HTML5 grandfathers in the /> syntax - the tag will
be used strictly by perfectionists).


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