On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 22:16 -0700, ihomest...@gmail.com wrote:
> I read this doc about the performance comparison between Tornado and
> Django: http://www.tornadoweb.org/documentation
> I am quite new to both django and tornado (just heard about it). To me
> there are a few confusing points about the conclusion that "Tornado
> consistently had 4X the throughput of the next fastest framework, and
> even a single standalone Tornado frontend got 33% more throughput even
> though it only used one of the four cores" Maybe the document could
> add more comments about how the experiment is setup.
> The context of this statement is that Tornado runs with 4 frontends on
> a 4 core machine. My question is "Could django apps take advantage of
> 4 cores?" Is the 4X performance difference due to the setup or is it
> due to the reason that Tornado could make a better use of a 4 core
> machine?
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks.

Once in a while, someone (me included with uwsgi) spit out a new outstanding 
deploy technology
forgetting that 99.9999999% of bottlenecks are on the apps and not on
the webservers. 

Putting all the efforts on speed is now completely useless, all of this
tecnology are heavily based on optimization done by the kernel (epoll,
kqueue, sendfile, vector i/o, varouis aio technics), this softwares put
them together (mostly in the same manner)  and build their copy of an
"ultrafast" asynchronous system.

Please, stop using "asynchronous" or "evented" as performance
mesurement, as Graham already said, an evented environment need that all
the players are async/evented. And rarely this happen. 

Django (and wsgi by the current design) are not asynchronous, so do not
spend more time trying to gather more then a 1% performance improvement,
and choose the environment looking at first at its robustness and its

And please,please (and please) stop doing benchmark with an hello world.
Even the most under-talented programmer can optimize his work for this
kind of app ;)

Roberto De Ioris
JID: robe...@jabber.unbit.it

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