
I've been working on template caching (ticket #6262) with a mister
Alex Gaynor. The patch is getting pretty stable and I think it's close
to merge-able, so if anyone wants to take a look at what we've got and
provide feedback: go!

Interesting background reading for people who haven't been part of
this conversation:


Latest patch:

The more code reviewers the better, but if you don't have time to read
through the nitty gritty here's a high level overview of the changes:

1. The workhorse django.template.loader.get_template() function will
now return compiled Template objects directly if a template loader
returns one (where a Template object is defined as something with a
render() method).
2. A RenderContext has been added to Context instances. This is
necessary so we can give template.Node instances a thread-safe place
to store state between calls to Node.render().
3. The built-in template tags were updated to use the render context
(specifically, CycleNode, BlockNode, and ExtendsNode).
4. A caching loader has been added to the set of default loaders. To
use it, you instantiate the loader, passing a list of other loaders
that it should wrap. The first time you ask the loader for a template
it'll go through the wrapped loaders and find it, then cache it in
memory. Subsequent requests for the same template are served from
cache. Hazzah!

The patch is pretty complete, it includes tests and docs, so please
take a look! I stuck the updated docs up on my website temporarily, so
if you want to take a look at them in a slightly more readable format
you can check out these URLs:




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