On Jan 2, 5:52 pm, Simon Willison <si...@simonwillison.net> wrote:
> On Dec 30 2009, 10:28 pm, Wim Feijen <wimfei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In the discussions on CSRF there have been several proposals to
> > include RequestContext by default in render_to_response or in a
> > similar function. As a side note to my previous post, I'd like to
> > mention my favorite way to do this: render_to , see:
> >http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/821/
> So here's how that's supposed to work:
> @render_to('my/template.html')
> def my_view(request, param):
>     return {'data': 'some_data'}
> I have to admit I don't understand the appeal of this syntax at all.
> How is it any better than this? :
> def my_view(request, param):
>     return render('my/template.html', {'data': 'some_data'})
> The decorator implementation is more complicated, makes debugging
> trickier (since decorators confuse stack traces and other debugging
> tools) and doesn't save any typing. What are the advantages?
> I'm a big fan of decorators for things like caching/memoization, but I
> don't understand why they provide any advantage for the above. I'm not
> a fan of the current @permalink decorator in Django for the same
> reason - if a decorator simply changes the syntax for how arguments
> are passed to a function, what's the point of using them?
> Cheers,
> Simon

I much prefer the @render_to() syntax. This way, I can think of my
view functions as "context variable creators", instead of "response
returners". I think of view functions as a sort of context processor
thats only meant for one specific template.

Almost every single view I have ever written (more or less) follows
this pattern:

process stuff into variables -> add said variables to a ContextRequest
-> send said ContextRequest to a template for rendering.

With @render_to, it allows me to delegate all the rendering crap to
the decorator, while the view function gets to focus on what is really
there for; creating extra variables to be passed on to the template.
It makes things simpler for me and adds readability.

Also, I've never had a problem with the decorator messing up


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