On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Dagvadorj Galbadrakh
<dagvad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for review.
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 3:15 PM, burc...@gmail.com <burc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> May I have few questions.
>> 1) And what if foo.gsoc has taiwan submodule already?
> There will be certain conventions on which names not to use as an
> instance name such as, views, models, etc. Plus, Django can check if a
> module with the same name  exists during deployment. And also, new
> instances can be stored in a special module called 'clone' for
> instance, hence, 'foo.gsoc.clone.taiwan'.
That's better.
"clone" is a horrible name for this purpose, but I got the idea.

>> 2) How will module know what name(s) it has got?
> Can be stored in dict in AppCache
>> 3) How will different application names to be referenced from outside?
>> 3) How will different application names to be loaded from outside?
> The apps and its modules will be referenced by its namespace (path - virtual).
I believe you don't quite understand all the problems,
so i'll add more details here.

I repeat fragments of Flo's post nobody has answered yet:

Assume an app1 which requires another app2 (gsoc in your case), and has some
ForeignKeys to it. Currently that's easy; just import the model and
ForeignKey it. How would those imports look like in your case (eg to
which models would app1 link)?!

Also, will app2copy (taiwan in you case) have different models than app2 (gsoc)?
(The same for views working with these models etc)

We don't have currently a way application's view knows about what
instance they work with.

This is a critical issue, and nobody yet suggested proper solution for that.

All that both of you can suggest us now is "I am suitable to make a
patch in an hour that will make multiple app copies work sometimes"

You need to question yourself about all possible problems.
And write your solutions to them.
Not wait when we will ask you those questions.
Because all those questions are already in this google group (not only
this thread).
Read all related topics, write questions, answer them.
And then come to us with a proposal.
I'm sure both of you can qualify if you do this.

Best regards, Yuri V. Baburov, ICQ# 99934676, Skype: yuri.baburov,
MSN: bu...@live.com

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