On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:48 AM, Gabriel Hurley <gab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been dancing around this idea for a while. I know it's not a new
> thought, and Alex Gaynor and Justin Lilly even started work on "piano
> man" [1]... I'd be curious to know what the state of that project is
> and if a few more devs working on it might be able to bring it to a
> place where it'd be ready for prime time.
> Re-inventing the wheel is usually a bad idea, but at the same time a
> Django-based tracker just seems like such a natural choice.

I'm of two minds on this question.

One the one hand, a bug tracking system seems like a natural fit for
Django. A bug tracker is pretty much a perfect example of a
database-backed website. There would also be something to be said for
Django eating its own dogfood in a highly visible way.

There is also an argument to be made that bug tracking is due for a
bit of a shakeup. The emergence of DVCS has changed the way software
is developed. It may be time for a new bug tracking project to
redefine what issue tracking means in a DVCS world.

However, on the other hand, I'm *really* opposed to reinventing this
particular wheel. There are literally dozens of bug trackers out
there. "Because we can" isn't enough of a reason to fragment the bug
tracking community a little bit more -- our bug tracking needs aren't
unique. I'd much rather see development effort go into improving one
of the existing bug trackers to meet our needs rather than start from

I'm also very much aware of the "I could rebuild StackOverflow in a
weekend" trap. Building a trivial bug tracker will be easy. Building a
complex and reliable bug tracker that can be used in production is a
serious undertaking. Maintaining a bug tracking project is also a
serious undertaking; long term maintenance is just as important as
initial development.

That said, I won't (or rather, can't) stop anyone from building a
Django-based bug tracker if they so desire. However, I would offer the
following guidance: If you're considering working on a new bugtracking
project with the aim of getting Django to adopt it:

 * It will need to work *before* it will be taken into consideration.
code.djangoproject.com isn't going to be your beta test site.

 * The fact that a bug tracker runs on Django will be a secondary
consideration. It would be *nice* if Django's bug tracker used Django,
but it isn't a fundamental requirement.

Russ Magee %-)

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