FWIW, I spoke with Alex the other week about turning piano-man into a
more finished product.

So long as core guarantees that they'll at least take a look at
whatever is made, I'm +1 on rolling our own, and am willing to
champion this project.

I think having something we can easily shape to meet our process needs
will be a Good Thing. A good ticket tracker helps devs paw through the
pile of tickets and keep kicking the ball forward with a minimum of
effort. Reducing the overhead on core will make those people's lives
more pleasant (and free up their time for dealing with, you know,

Another benefit: one of the complaints I (anecdotally) hear all the
time is that it is hard to contribute to django. Part of that is the
high bar we set for contribution, and the (necessary) process we
impose in order to prevent oopses, but I posit that a significant part
of the feeling stems from people confusing a lack of activity on their
ticket with a lack of activity. Making it easier for devs to update
tickets will help, and providing some kind of dashboard on project
stats will give us something to point to next time somebody throws
their toys out of the pram because their pony isn't being seen to.

I'll be in Berlin, and plan to sprint on piano-man there. Plan:

1. Figure out a handful of "most useful" tricks that trac doesn't
accomplish, and adding those to piano-man. I particularly like the
idea of baking in some behaviors like timed ticket death and other
things that prevent a buildup of detritus and cut down on ticket
gardening chores.
2. Put up a test instance with a dump of data from trac.
3. Kick the tires and see if it engenders interest.

If people think it's awesome, we'll keep going. :)


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