Your monster post was very useful, gave me a few ideas. Also it's a
good set of requirements to compare against for things that should be
fulfilled by a potential de facto model translation approach/app.
Combined with the excellent wiki article mentioned in this thread
( it's a
good basis for evaluating existing model translation apps, to see what
is missing or "wrong".
Regarding django-datatrans, I've been planning to take a more serious
look at it ever since I started using it. This thread might just be
the "kick in the butt" needed, we'll see :).

A few issues I'm aware of:
 -  _pre_save handler can cause problems on concurrent inserts
 -  integration with Django admin (or any other functionality that
presents the "translatable" fields in an editable context in the
frontend - for ex. in a form text input) - the editable widget will
get filled with the translated string and if you save it, the
*original* will get overwritten. On the "admin" of datatrans, there is
no problem, since it works directly with KeyValue-s. This is usually
not a problem on frontend because in most cases it makes no sense to
have translated content for values which are editable in frontend by
users. And admin is a controlled environment, so it's not a
"showstopper" (at least in my experience so far). But a transparent
solution is definitely needed.

In any case I don't think we'll see any model translation app in
django.contrib any time in the foreseeable future, taking for example
South as a reference on it's progress in this regard (considering it
is miles ahead in terms of maturity/stability/usage etc. than any
modeltrans app and it has pretty much achieved it's de facto status in
it's problem domain).
I'm not saying this is a bad thing, just an observation of facts. As
long as a 3rd party app is well known, easy to integrate with existing
projects, it's stable/mature, well maintained etc., I don't think it
makes very much difference if it is actually within django.contrib or


On Aug 6, 12:01 pm, JK Laiho <> wrote:
> On preview, django-datatrans looks really good, and the approach is
> certainly better than any of the existing implementations, including
> my abortive one. Still need to give it a run for its money properly to
> see what issues remain. Whatever they are, they're probably solvable.
> I'm not a betting man, but I'd be surprised if that didn't grow into
> the de facto model translation approach in time.
> I'm just glad I don't have to think about the model translation
> problem anymore, I was exhausted just writing that monster post
> yesterday :-)
> - JK Laiho

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