On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 12:56 -0700, Paul McMillan wrote:
> I've only a small voice in this matter, but I'd like to chime in on
> the side of figuring out a way to solve this without requiring the
> Referer header.
> Regardless of what the RFC may say, I know from inspecting my logs
> that I (and I assume many others) get a lot of traffic without the
> header. The traffic in question isn't hand-entered URLS. People who
> operate sites that appeal to certain subset of the internet population
> see much higher instances of this. On some sites, my numbers show that
> nearly 15% of my visitors never send a Referer.

Barth, Jackson and Mitchell [1] collected some data that said that for
same-domain HTTPS POST requests, the header is missing in only 0.05% to
0.22% of cases.  They've also got strong evidence that the header is
suppressed in the network, not by the browser.

If you've got very different data, for same-domain HTTPS POST requests,
and *not* including other types of requests, because they are not
relevant, then we will probably have to re-evaluate.  Would you be able
to collect such data?



[1] http://www.adambarth.com/papers/2008/barth-jackson-mitchell-b.pdf

 A mosquito cried out in pain:
 "A chemist has poisoned my brain!"
 The cause of his sorrow
 was para-dichloro-

Luke Plant || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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