On 25.09.2010, at 08:16, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just uploaded a first draft at a patch introducing logging into
> Django [1]. I'm calling for feedback on this patch.
> [1] http://code.djangoproject.com/attachment/ticket/12012/t12012-alpha1.diff
> This patch is heavily drawn from the work that Vinay Sajip has done in
> this area, but it also includes some significant changes to his most
> recent patches.
> The patch introduces two settings:
> LOGGING_CONFIG - a callable that should be used to configure the
> logging machinery
> LOGGING - the configuration data to pass to the configuration function.
> By default, LOGGING_CONFIG points to logging.config.dictConfig, which
> means that LOGGING should be a dict-style logging configuration (as
> introduce by Python 2.7). A copy of dictConfig is included in utils
> for backwards compatibility. However, by changing LOGGING_CONFIG, you
> could use any configuration scheme you like.
> In addition, a new convention is introduced. If a Django app includes
> a 'startup.py' as a sibling module to models.py, tests.py etc, then
> this module will be loaded *exactly once* during the startup of the
> app. It will be loaded *after* the settings have been initialized, but
> *before* models.py has been imported.
> The patch includes the changes to the new project settings.py to show
> what LOGGING would look like in practice. This logging configuration
> puts everything to console, except for errors in the request process,
> which are mailed to the admin. This means redirecting 500 errors to
> something other than your email box is now a 1 line configuration
> item.
> The patch also includes logging entries for everywhere in the code
> where a 4XX or 5XX error is raised. 4XX's are raised as warnings;
> 5XX's as errors.
> Lastly, there is a separate logger that logs, at the debug level,
> every SQL statement that is executed. If you add a handler for
> django.db.backends that catches the DEBUG level, you will get this
> output.
> There are no docs because I'm waiting for the design to be finalized
> before I start writing; there are no tests because this is something
> that is a little difficult to test.
> At this point, I'm calling for feedback, particularly on the following:
> * logging config as the last stage of settings loading. Is this the
> right place? Can anyone think of a better place?
> * The default logging configuration. Have I got the
> propagate/override options right for sensible defaults (both in global
> and new-project settings)?
> * The logging calls that have been introduced. Is this too much or
> too little? I'd rather err on the side of caution here (we can always
> add extra logging later), but I'd like suggestions on anything else
> people think should be logged. Also, are they logged at the right
> level (e.g., is a 404 a warning?).
> * The startup.py convention (and implementation). Is this necessary?
> Does it address (or not address) any other prominent "on startup" use
> cases? There's also a crossover here with Arthur's GSoC work; is the
> startup code sufficiently important that we need it anyway, or can we
> defer until the app refactor lands?

To expand on this a bit, the refactored app cache from Arthur's GSoC branch 
introduces a dedicated place for app related information to live in, the app 
class. With the dotted app path given to a new setting called APP_CLASSES it 
will be picked up during startup by the app cache, creating app instances.

Given the fact that the current implementation of the app cache does quite a 
few hoops to make it possible to implicitely import the models modules by 
iterating over INSTALLED_APPS, I'd like to propose to rather move the logging 
initialization to the app class initialization, instead of introducing another 
place of implicite importing -- to prevent having ambiguous locations for app 
specific code execution.

Only problem is that the inclusion of the refactored app cache into trunk 
wasn't planned for 1.3, which is why I suggest we recommend using the 
management.py for optional logging initialization in 1.3 and add app-level 
logging hooks in 1.4 when the new app cache lands.


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