On Sep 26, 2:16 pm, Florian Apolloner <f.apollo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am aware of those; but let's imagine a 3rd party library which has
> no idea what a request is. In my logs I still want to know the request
> (even if it's just for formatting purposes…); so I am looking for a
> way to attach request specific info to __all__ logging calls done in
> one request __without__ adding it to the logging call.

You might be interested in this blog post:


which solves the problem you mention (attaching request-specific info,
to all logging calls in a request, including calls made in 3rd party
libraries you use, without having to add "extra" to logging calls).

However, it requires thread-locals, which for some reason the Django
core team seem to be against:


You might regard the rest of this post OT, but ... I haven't seen any
detailed evidence for the "huge threat" mentioned in that Wiki page.
In fact, Graham Dumpleton, author of mod-wsgi, in this post, seems to
be saying that it's not such a security threat that you need to rule
out use of thread-locals:


To me, Graham seems right on the money. Of course, if the core team
(or any one else) can point to any known exploits which take advantage
of flaws in Python's thread-locals implementation, that would settle
things right away :-) Even then, the answer would be to fix the hole
in Python.

Also - even if Django itself doesn't use thread-locals, can you be
sure that any third-party library you are using doesn't do so under
the covers?


Vinay Sajip

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