> I already have one specific piece of API feedback: the current
> implementation requires that all view logic is contained in GET(),
> POST() etc style views. This is fine, except for the fact that there
> are occasions where GET and POST share a lot of common logic. It would
> make sense to me to allow for a request() method that is the direct
> analog of how we do views right now, wrapping lines 53-59 of base.py
> into a request() method. This would allow users to define their own
> dispatch mechanisms, or share logic between GET and POST (and any
> other http method) as necessary.

I'm currently using a very similar approach for class-based views except in
my request() implementation I use the request.method and look at self for an
attribute with the method name uppercased. if it isn't found an
HttpResponseNotAllowed is returned and the list of permited methods is built
from checking the view instance for the known methods. Here's an example of
the constructor and request implementations: http://gist.github.com/605801 .
I have simplified my code for clarity so I may have introduced some bugs.

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