On 03/21/2011 09:14 AM, daonb wrote:
> On Mar 20, 4:49 am, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net> wrote:
>> Those last five characters in "get_context_data" actually serve quite a
>> useful purpose, IMO. They clarify that the return value is just the data
>> that will go into building a context (a dictionary), as opposed to being
>> the Context or RequestContext object itself, which is what I'd expect
>> from a method named "get_context".
> Good point. I might be splitting hairs, but _data isn't clear enough -
> both a dict and a Context objects satisfy `data`. Looking at
> RequestContext code, I found __init__ gets a `dict` parameter, so how
> about making it get_context_dict?

Sure - except that these decisions were made several months ago, and
these kinds of considerations needed to have been raised then. We've had
a beta and an RC release with these names, and will have 1.3 any time
now; there's simply zero chance that we'll break things for everyone
who's already started working with CBVs in order to make tiny
improvements to method names.


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