On 04/18/2011 02:59 PM, Carl Meyer wrote:
Hmm. Why does it make sense for OneToOneField lookups to behave
differently from *_set managers? If I've got a default manager that
hides "deleted" objects, for instance: why should deleted objects by
default "not exist" when I traverse a reverse FK, but "exist" when I
traverse a OneToOneField?

OK, may be not reverse OneToOne… What I mean is that although it seems natural to treat all relations equally they are actually used for different use cases where different defaults make sense. For example:

- Reverse many-to-one (topic.article_set) access is used to access a (limited) list of children which is expected to behave as any other list of such objects and hence should use the default manager.

- Direct one-to-one or many-to-one (article.topic or profile.user) access is used to access a parent object and in most real cases it doesn't make sense if it's absent for example. Usually you're just dealing with a "deleted" child accessing its "deleted" parent which is OK. In this case it makes sense to use a pure manager to build the relation.

As for reverse one-to-one I'm really not sure because I can't recall any real example to lay upon. Speaking about documentation simplicity (which directly influences sanity of its readers) it can be made as simple as that:

- pure manager is used whenever there is a clear child-parent realation (direct OneToOne and ForeignKey access)
- all other relations use default managers
- explicit use_for_related_fields overrides default behavior

What do you think?

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