Hi fellow Django devs,

I'd like to talk about a site that all of you probably know: djangopeople.net.

The site has originally been developed by Simon Willison and Natalie
Downe and is a very useful part of the different sites connecting the
Django community. Recently, however, Simon and Natalie became too busy
to handle the maintenance work and, with the site going down every now
and then, people started to worry about its future. I read at some
point that Simon had more or less agreed to let other people run the
site, but there wasn't any volunteer I was aware of.

Given that the source code is on github, we started with Dan Fairs and
Filip Jukić to work on the codebase: updating to Django 1.3 and the
practices and conventions that have emerged since 2009. This is still
a work in progress but the result can be seen on the github repo:

At this year's EuroPython, we talked about this with Jannis, Andrew
and Simon. The result of the chat was that Simon is willing to let the
DSF run djangopeople.net as part of its infrastructure and the DSF now
has a database dump of djangopeople.net. The idea is now to make this
a more open project: with Dan and Filip, we haven't very much
advertised our work since we were not sure where we were going. Now
we'd like to help the DSF run the site and make it evolve with a very
high bus factor.

To that end, we'd love to hear from anyone willing to help us with the
site, from writing code to suggesting new features and improvements.
Maybe it could be interesting to team with the djangopeople.me crew as
well :)

Assuming the DSF lets us handle djangopeople.net, the next steps would
be to get the data and load it on a django-frienly host (I have an
ep.io app running the updated codebase). The purpose of this email is
to make more official the fact that there's a group of people working
on it, and that more group members are welcome :).


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