Gonna add this in here as well as ticket #14512

I think using decorators to modify the way a CBV behaves is the wrong way to go 
about it, my reasoning is:

1) Decorators on functions make sense, since the only way to modify a function 
is to wrap it, so decorators provide a shortcut to do so.

2) There's already a standard way to add functionality to a class that has 
existed for a long time, is well tested, and as a bonus is something that 
people new to python but not new to programming will understand immediately.

3) Decorating a class is different to how adding any other kind of 
functionality to a CBV is done.

4) Customizability. Currently your only options to change the way one of the 
current decorators work is to rewrite it, unless the original author of the 
decorator thought of your use case, thought it was valid, and added a 
flag/option for it.
 - This can be alleviated by using Object based decorators instead of function 
based, but that becomes uglier too because then you end up having to first 
subclass the decorator, then decorate the class.

5) Conceptually all the decorator really is doing is mixing in one method 
anyways, it's just hiding this away and adding more code and complexity, and 
reducing customizability and readability for the sole purpose of being able to 
use an @ symbol.

6) Forwards compatibility. The function based generic views have been 
deprecated. While function based views will probably always be supported, 
personally I think CBV's are the way forward, and it makes sense to have them 
be first class citizens as regards to adding in things like requiring logins, 
with the function based views having the helper code.

7) Backwards compatibility. With a (much simpler) bit of wrapper code, the 
decorators can easily still be supported (login_required etc) and can 
internally use the classes and present the same interface as they used to. The 
major difference being, now they'll be able to subclass them and customize tiny 
bits of it as well.

To just expand a little more in general on this

class ProtectedView(TemplateView):
 template_name = "secret.html"


class ProtectedView(LoginRequired, TemplateView):
 template_name = "secret.html"

In the first, the "things" defining how this CBV behaves are in two locations, 
which makes it harder to read, additionally you end up with a function that 
wraps a function that wraps a function (to some degree of wrapping) to actually 
get all of this to work. Each layer of wrapping adds another layer of 
indirection, and adds another layer of confusion for someone attempting to read 
the code.

I really dumbed down example would be https://gist.github.com/1220512 . 
Obviously that isn't working code, but it gives a general idea of what I mean. 
Obviously if that is the path that is chosen it will need to be cleaned up and 
made to actually work.

Hopefully this email makes sense. I just hope that since CBV's are new we can 
use this as an opportunity to do things in a cleaner, consistent and more 
generic way instead of continuing the old way (that made sense for functions) 
for the sake of doing it the same way.

tl;dr; Using Mixins to add in functionality to a CBV makes way more sense then 
using a decorator which is essentially going to be doing the same thing as a 
mixing would, it just makes finding what is going on harder, makes customizing 
the decorator harder and/or uglier, and goes against the way functionality is 
currently added to a CBV. 

On Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:

> Hi folks --
> I'd like to convert all the view decorators built into Django to be
> "universal" -- so they'll work to decorate *any* view, whether a
> function, method, or class. I believe I've figured out a technique for
> this, but I'd like some feedback on the approach before I dive in too
> deep.
> Right now view decorators (e.g. @login_required) only work on
> functions. If you want to use a decorator on a method then you need to
> "convert" the decorator using method_decorator(original_decorator).
> You can't use view decorators on class-based views at all. This means
> making a class-based view require login requires this awesomeness::
>  class MyView(View):
>  @method_decorator(login_required)
>  def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
>  return super(MyView, self.dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
> This makes me sad. It's really counter-intuitive and relies on a
> recognizing that functions and methods are different to even know to
> look for method_decorator.
> #14512 proposes a adding another view-decorator-factory for decorating
> class-based views, which would turn the above into::
>  @class_view_decorator(login_required)
>  class MyView(View):
>  ...
> This makes me less sad, but still sad. Factory functions. Ugh.
> I want @login_required to work for anything::
>  @login_required
>  class MyView(View):
>  ...
>  class Something(object):
>  @login_required
>  def my_view(self, request):
>  ...
>  @login_required
>  def my_view(request):
>  ...
> Now, back in the day we somewhat had this: decorators tried to work
> with both functions and methods. The technique turned out not to work
> (see #12804) and was removed in [12399]. See
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread/3024b14a47f5404d
> for the discussion.
> I believe, however, I've figured out a different technique to make
> this work: don't try to detect bound versus unbound methods, but
> instead look for the HttpRequest object. It'll either be args[0] if
> the view's a function, or args[1] if the view's a method. This
> technique won't work for any old decorator, but it *will* work (I
> think) for any decorator *designed to be applied only to views*.
> I've written a proof-of-concept patch to @login_required (well,
> @user_passes_test, actually):
> https://gist.github.com/1220375
> The test suite passes with this, with one exception:
> https://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/tests/regressiontests/decorators/tests.py#L87.
> I maintain that this test is broken and should be using RequestFactory
> instead.
> Can I get some thoughts on this technique and some feedback on whether
> it's OK to apply to every decorator built into Django?
> Jacob
> -- 
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