On 10/10/11 17:30, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:

> Heh, so actually funny story.
> Turns out I copied this hack was over from the code I used for the
> Django book. We did it there to surpress a difference between the HTML
> conversion we used on the website and the OpenOffice conversion we
> used for the print publication. So it's actually an artifact of our
> hacked together book toolchain. I'm pretty surprised that it's still
> there -- I'd totally forgotten about this hack.

Ah, well that explains it! It's gone now :-)


"Oh, look. I appear to be lying at the bottom of a very deep, dark
hole. That seems a familiar concept. What does it remind me of? Ah,
I remember. Life."  (Marvin the paranoid android)

Luke Plant || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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