On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Mateusz Marzantowicz
<mmarzantow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Although I'm not a Django developer I'd like to make some suggestion about
> intro tutorial (part 1).
> Is it possible to place some reference to "Deploying Django" site, in or
> blow the "development server" section in this intro tutorial?

You won't get any argument from me that there is room for a tutorial
about deployment. There's room for many more tutorials, on many
different topics.

You will, however, get a lot of argument that Tutorial *1* is the
right place for that tutorial. At the end of Tutorial 1, we've got the
demonstration web server running, and we've explored some models. We
don't even have a useful view to look at yet. That isn't the time to
start talking about the configuration of a deployment web server.

If there's going to be a tutorial on deployment, it's a separate
tutorial in itself, that is placed *after* you've developed the web
site - that is, *after* tutorial 4 (or potentially 5,6), when the site
is built, is working happily on the development server, and needs to
be shown to the outside world.

You also need to keep in mind that "deployment" isn't a simple topic.
What operating system are we deploying against? What web server? Do we
address basic sysadmin issues, or do we assume that you're a competent
sysadmin, and just point you at a mod_wsgi configuration and assume
you know how to install it?

I'm not saying that we shouldn't include tutorial materials on Django
deployment -- just that you need to be very careful how you pitch that

Most of all -- show us the draft. If you think there is something
needed in Django's documentation, write it! If you don't know, do some
research and document your learning process. We can always correct
mistakes and provide suggestions, but we need a first draft to comment

Russ Magee %-)

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