On 30/01/2012, at 6:05 AM, Etienne Robillard wrote:

> On 01/29/2012 04:27 PM, Łukasz Rekucki wrote:
>> You're not discriminated - everyone is treated the same way here and
>> judged only by their actions. By disobeying the rules of this list,
>> you're disrespecting it's members. If you disagree with the rules of
>> this community, you don't have to be part of it. Insulting it's core
>> members surely doesn't help you convince us, that it's a good choice
>> to accept your definition of "things which feels on topic with this
>> list".
> OK good. I see your points but please observe I'm still searching where I'm 
> "disobeying" the rules ?

Let me help.


"...unless for fascists tracking/monitoring reasons of your visitors.."

You just called the OP a fascist, based purely on an architectural decision.


"Probably a really mediocre reference assuming its on stackoverflow.com 
already... :-)"

You just called the entire population of Stack Overflow mediocre, and implied 
that Ivan specifically was mediocre because he recommended it. 


"Don't expect anything from me but harsh responses when you're expecting only 
mediocre answers"

We don't expect harsh responses *at all*. If you can't say something 
constructive, say nothing at all.

None of these three comments were necessary, or were consistent with the tone 
that we expect of participants in Django-developers. If you don't like what 
someone is doing with technology, refrain from commenting. If you don't like 
Stack Overflow, don't recommend it; if someone recommends something from Stack 
Overflow that you disagree with, point out the specific flaws in the specific 
suggestion that has been made. If you think someone is asking bad questions, 
ignore them; or if you're feeling particularly helpful, assist them by 
providing constructive guidance on asking better questions.

Regarding your reference to discussions about SOPA -- you'll notice that when 
SOPA came up recently, it was very rapidly pointed out that such discussions 
were off-topic for Django-developers, unless there was a specific call to 
action for the Django codebase.

This isn't censorship, or the jackboot of the thought police. It's the Django 
core team ensuring that we maintain a civil community. 

Russ Magee %-)

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