Alex I have looked over your proposal and I agree on both your concerns with 
LFK, and Jacob’s approach; however I still find the profile approach is the 
most flexible solution. 

Correct me if I’m wrong but both LFK or a swappable user model approach like 
your fail to address issue of extensibility. If today my project is authorizing 
with username and password and tomorrow I wish to add OpenAuth then my User 
model is replaced, whereas with Jacobs approach I add another profile model, 
yes? What about auth apps, you could only use one, with profiles many could co 
exist; one for Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

Your point 4 claiming it’s undiscoverable is not entirely true, AUTH_PROFILE 
setting can be examined just as apps examine INSTALLED_APPS settings at run 
time. Your point 2 that being able to change the functionality so quickly is 
actually superior in my mind, it’s a lot more work to do a schema migration 
then the creation a of  new profile table.  Points 5 and 3 are good points and 
remind that there is no perfect solution to new auth.

To sum up I am curious to know how your approach handles additional user data 
and authorization schemes. 

From: Alex Ogier 
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

Hi developers, 

I have written up a little bit about the alternate proposal that I made a while 
ago, Solution 2a from

In addition to other arguments, there is a point-by-point breakdown of what I 
feel are the weaknesses in Jacob's proposal.

You can find it at 

Alex Ogier

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <> wrote:

  Hi folks -- 

  I've written up a proposal for how *I* would like to address refactoring 

  In essence, this does two things:

  * Vastly "prunes" the required fields on auth.user. The only things left are 
an "identifier" (which could be username, email, url, uuid, whatever), and a 
  * Introduces a new "profile" system that provides a way to contribute extra 
related fields. Multiple profiles are supported, along with some syntactic 
sugar for dealing with multiple profiles in a reasonably reusable way.

  And that's about it. I'm deliberately trying to find a middle ground between 
"do the minimum to allow people to move on" and "throw out and rewrite 
django.contrib.auth entirely". I'm not expecting everyone to be thrilled by 
this idea, but I'm hoping that this is "Good Enough" for almost everyone.

  For more please see the document. Please do try to read the whole thing: I've 
had a few rounds of feedback incorporated already, and there's even an FAQ at 
the end.

  I'm not using BDFL fiat here, at least not yet. This is a proposal, and I 
very much want to hear feedback, objections, and alternatives. I'm particularly 
interested in hearing from people who've got complicated auth needs and think 
this absolutely won't work for them. 

  I *have* reviewed all the other proposals and I'm between -0 and -1 on all of 
them. This means that if you don't like my proposal, you'll probably have to 
come up with a complete *new* idea to have any chance of getting my vote.


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