The document clearly states that "You'll see a message for each
database table it creates".

I guess Jason Ma had a hard time reading the document because it is
written in English. Native Chinese speakers who are not quite familiar
with English will feel desperate when they had to read serveral pages
of document in English. Just imagine how desperate will you be if you
have to read pages of document in Chinese when you just learned Ni

Django is getting more and more popular in China recently. More and
more people there are asking questions like how to do this or that in
Django, most of the time, it is just because it is too hard for them
to understand the document on their own. I propose that Django has a
Chinese translation of its document. Sure, there is a huge amount of
work. If core team decides to work on this, I would like to help.

Disclaimer: I do not know Jason Ma, I guess he is a Native Chinese
speaker because I googled his email found his email appears on some
Chinese website.

On 4月11日, 下午9时29分, Aymeric Augustin
<> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Le 11 avril 2012 14:10, Jason Ma <> a écrit :
> > I heavily doubted that whether the writers have tested that carefully.
> As one of the many people who replayed the tutorial from A to Z,
> checked every little detail, updated screenshots, etc. before the
> release of 1.4, I feel your feedback is rather unfair.
> > There are many people saying the Django is well-documented, do you
> > still think  it is true?
> Django's documentation assumes that the reader:
> - has some familiarity with Python (e.g. knows what a or a
> *.pyc file is)
> - is an autodidact and is able to investigate by himself when (s)he
> deviates from the recommended path and encounters an unexpected
> behavior (e.g. syncdb doesn't perform migrations).
> Honestly, if this doesn't match your expectations at all, then Django
> might not be the right framework for you.
> I still believe our documentation compares favorably to most
> open-source software entirely developed by volunteers in their free
> time.
> Best regards,
> --
> Aymeric.

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