On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Dana Woodman <woodman.d...@gmail.com>wrote:

> So now that Django is being moved to Git/Github (which is awesome!), maybe
> it would be a good time to think about a revamped home page for the project
> ala djangoproject.com?
> Obviously this is no small undertaking and would be potentially
> contentions as to what would be the proper path, but I feel (and I don't
> think I'm alone) that djangoproject.com could use a bit of a facelift.
> I have some idea of my own as to how this could be accomplished and I'm
> sure there are a ton of others out there with great ideas as well. Maybe we
> could open up some discussion on this idea?
> Forgive me if this has been proposed before as I'm new to the group!
> Cheers,
> Dana
I'm reading django-developers and django-users news groups for more than a
year now. I have a little suggestion about redesign of official Dajngo web
page. It is not uncommon for new users to post questions about using Django
framework to wrong news group. It should be considered to stress that on
new website what user group is for what purpose. I know it is there already
but maybe it might be better divided into "devs corner" and "users corner"
and developers news group should be more hidden from users. The term
"Django developer" is sometimes misunderstood.

Mateusz Marzantowicz

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