On 14 heinä, 05:57, Jeremy Dunck <jdu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was poking around in our (Votizen's) use of signals and thinking
> about making some tooling so that signal usage was a bit more
> transparent.
> In doing so, I noticed that GenericForeignKey hooks the model pre_init
> signal.  It does that because GFK needs a chance to munge kwargs from
> the GFK field name to the content_id and object_id fields.
> Signal dispatch with zero receivers is much much faster than with 1 or
> more receivers, and pre_init is fired quite a lot.  Pretty much every
> decent sized project I've worked on has used GFK, so I imagine this is
> a large sap on performance overall.
> Similarly, I just noticed that ImageField does a similar thing,
> setting dimension values in post_init.
> I think we could get a significant performance win if, instead of
> using pre_init/post_init here, we changed Model.__init__ to call a
> per-field hook that could munge the Model.__init__ kwargs.
> SomeField.model_pre_init(instance, args, kwargs)
>   or maybe for symmetry with contribute_to_class:
> SomeField.contribute_to_instance(instance, args, kwargs)
> We could store which fields have these hooks upon ModelBase.__new__
> construction and so skip most fields and overhead in __init__.
> I'm happy to make a pull request but checking here to see if there's
> any pushback.

A big +1 from me.

Maybe the fields could explicitly add methods to pre/post init hooks
in contribute_to_class instead of method autodiscovery?

The signal receiver caching approach is another alternative (https://
code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16679). The downside of that approach is
that it complicates the already complex signals framework, so for that
reason it seems better to get rid of the post/pre init signals.

 - Anssi

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