On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 11:59 PM, Anssi Kääriäinen
<anssi.kaariai...@thl.fi> wrote:
> On 15 syys, 15:34, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The implementation of custom User models is now ready for final
>> review, prior to commit to trunk.
>> The code is available in my Github repo, in the t3011 branch.
>> https://github.com/freakboy3742/django/tree/t3011
>> The diff is available here:
>> https://github.com/freakboy3742/django/compare/master...t3011
>> Documentation is also available in the auth topic guide:
>> https://github.com/freakboy3742/django/blob/t3011/docs/topics/auth.tx...
>> Barring the discovery of major problems, I'm aiming to commit this
>> towards the end of next week. Any and all feedback is welcome.
> The above branch does not work on Python3, which seems like a blocker
> issue.

Dang - I knew I forgot something. I'll put this on my list to look at.

> Some questions:
>   - If I proxy the auth.User model when it is swapped out I get an
> error from model validation: "AttributeError: type object 'UserProxy'
> has no attribute '_base_manager'". The error could be cleaner.

>   - The last_login field is in the AbstractBaseUser, but it isn't
> documented as a required field. Is this field required for something?
> Is it needed as part of AbstractBaseUser?

Yes, last_login is required - it's needed in order to generate
password reset tokens etc.

It isn't documented because we *really* want people to be subclassing
AbstractBaseUser, not building their own User from scratch.

>   - There is no way to do single-table extension of the default User
> model. Should there be a way? To me it seems this would be beneficial
> when dealing with "project profiles". There is little reason I would
> like to store a required employee number in another table. Maybe it
> would work if current User was moved to AbstractUser, and User would
> be class User(AbstractUser): class Meta: swappable =
> 'AUTH_USER_MODEL'? Quick testing indicates this could work... See
> commit: 
> https://github.com/akaariai/django/commit/08bcb4aec1ed154cefc631b8510ee13e9af0c19d
>   - I did a little change to REQUIRED_FIELDS handling in conjunction
> with create_(super)user(). See commit:
> https://github.com/akaariai/django/commit/d9f5e5addbad5e1a01f67e7358e4f5091c3cad81
> With the above commits I can do this:
> class MyUser(AbstractUser):
>     employee_no = models.CharField(max_length=5)
>     some_other_field = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
>     REQUIRED_FIELDS = AbstractUser.REQUIRED_FIELDS + ['employee_no']
> syncb & create_superuser commands work. Admin doesn't work directly,
> but it seems you can easily subclass the default user admin & change
> form to make it work.
> Single-table inheritance seems useful to me, and the added complexity
> to code isn't much.

To be clear -- is this just targeting the "I'm completely happy with
auth.User; I just want to put XXX on the model" use case? If so, I can
certainly agree with this; I'll merge these changes in.

> The above questions aren't meant to be commit blockers. In my
> (somewhat limited) testing the only real issue was the py3
> incompatibility, and that seems to be an easy fix. Overall, this looks
> good to me.
>  - Anssi
> BTW: I did also a little test to allow select_related() for user
> profiles: 
> https://github.com/akaariai/django/commit/81f91db3234110b90572b25ca69b9012a475c460
> - the idea is that the profile models could just to
> get_user_model().SELECT_RELATED_MODELS.add('user_reverse_name'). I
> wonder if we want something like this now/later...

Possibly; but if we do, I'd rather attack it at the model Meta level
-- i.e., an analog to Meta: ordering that applies a select_related
automatically to every queryset.

Russ Magee %-)

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