I did some Oracle fixing today. 1.5.x should now pass all tests. I
didn't run the full test suite after committing the fixes, as it takes
nearly an hour to do so. It would be really good if some of the Oracle
users could run the full test suite (not including GIS which is known
to be broken) on the stable/1.5.x to confirm that all tests are
passing. Oracle is somewhat configuration dependant, so checking
against different configurations would be good.

On 18 helmi, 22:30, Skylar Saveland <skylar.savel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If anyone is interested, I get 11 failures and 5 errors on master against
> Oracle with ./runtests right now:
> ERROR: test_lookup_date_as_str (modeltests.lookup.tests.LookupTests)


> ERROR: test_gfk_to_model_with_empty_pk
> (regressiontests.generic_relations_regress.tests.GenericRelationTests)


> ERROR: test_get_key_columns
> (regressiontests.introspection.tests.IntrospectionTests)


> ERROR: setUpClass (regressiontests.views.tests.i18n.JavascriptI18nTests)

Doesn't seem Oracle specific, likely a random Selenium failure. The
Selenium tests do that sometimes...

> ERROR: test_query_encoding
> (regressiontests.backends.tests.LastExecutedQueryTest)

Fixed. This might be configuration dependant, so retesting at least
this one would be valuable.

> FAIL: test_generic_relations_values_list
> (modeltests.generic_relations.tests.GenericRelationsTests)

For some reason I can't find this test at all. It doesn't seem to be
present on current master (f565c6f9994b2559a5164dc709a926eac7ebd5fe),
and generic_relations tests do pass.

> FAIL: test_extra_method_select_argument_with_dashes_and_values
> (modeltests.basic.tests.ModelTest)


> FAIL: test_year_lookup_edge_case (modeltests.basic.tests.ModelTest)


> FAIL: test_foreign_key (modeltests.one_to_one.tests.OneToOneTests)

Works for me.

> FAIL: test_field_types (regressiontests.inspectdb.tests.InspectDBTestCase)

Oracle is an expected failure for this test now. Inspecting Oracle
fields is bit hard, there was various failures from getting CharField
length wrong to wrongly detecting FloatField as DecimalField. Many of
these are likely impossible to fix. And, inspectdb isn't high
priority, the output needs to be hand-edited anyways.

> FAIL: test_custom_project_template_from_tarball_by_url
> (regressiontests.admin_scripts.tests.StartProject)

Works for me, and doesn't look Oracle specific.

> FAIL: test_project_template_tarball_url
> (regressiontests.admin_scripts.tests.StartProject)

Same here.

> FAIL: test_sql_all (regressiontests.commands_sql.tests.SQLCommandsTestCase)


> FAIL: test_sql_create
> (regressiontests.commands_sql.tests.SQLCommandsTestCase)


> FAIL: test_sql_delete
> (regressiontests.commands_sql.tests.SQLCommandsTestCase)


> FAIL: test_related_null_to_field
> (regressiontests.many_to_one_regress.tests.ManyToOneRegressionTests)


This leaves still 5 confirmed and some "works for me" items. The rest
of the confirmed items are likely a bit harder to fix.

The current situation is somewhat problematic regarding Oracle. We
don't have many core developers who are interested in Oracle and also
have time to fix issues. I am fixing Oracle issues mainly because I
think it is good for the ORM to have a core DB that does things
somewhat differently than the other core DBs. Forces the ORM to be
more generic.

And yes, continuous testing would be really good. Unfortunately Oracle
didn't work well in the CI environment so it was uninstalled. There is
some hope in using the VM image in the CI for Oracle testing, and also
the djangocore-box might give developers somewhat easy way to test
against Oracle. So, there is some hope that the situation will

 - Anssi

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