Hi Shai,

On Monday, February 25, 2013 5:27:06 PM UTC+1, Shai Berger wrote:
> Without knowing anything, my first guess would be a mismatch between the 
> python 
> version used to run the test and the one used to build cx_Oracle. But if 
> you 
> install cx_Oracle from source, that's probably not the issue... 

I can rule that out with a 99.999999% certainty. It's indeed manually 
compiled from source.

> Regardless, as far as I could see, the tests were only attempted for 
> Python3 
> versions. Did you try to set it up for Python2? 

No, since the Oracle tests are somewhat slow we decided to just test one 
Python for now. I will try to see if Python 2 makes a difference, didn't 
yet think of it.

> [I hope I'm not coming off pushy -- I only want to help, and will be happy 
> to 
> get my hands dirty with the actual setup]. 

Oh sorry, didn't mean to give you that feeling, it would be of great help 
if you could setup cx_Oracle on an Ubuntu 11.10 (I have to double check 
that tomorrow, don't have my ssh keys with me currently) 64 bit system with 
python 3.3 and see if you can get the tests running or if you also get a 


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