Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate every comment because that 
let me improve my proposal.

1. First of all, I noticed that the license of django-secure is copyright. 
Google forces us to release code under one of approved license [1], so a 
question to Carl Meyer: do you mind changing license?

On a practicality issue, I'd also like to see one more piece of detail in 
> your "why me" section. Since your from Poland, English is (I'm guessing) a 
> second language. Your proposal is very clear and shows you have good 
> communications skills. However, what we don't know is how long it took you 
> to write this proposal, and how comfortable you are working in English. If 
> you're not comfortable working in English in "real time" (e.g., on a spoken 
> phone call, or in IRC), then that will alter the way that you and your 
> mentor will interact - you may wish to only communicate via email, for 
> example; and this may slow down the rate of feedback that you can get from 
> your mentor.
> 2. Last year and this year I attended FCE conversation class, so my 
English level isn't worse than FCE. I guess that I'm not ready to speak in 
real time, but I can talk in real time at IRC. But you know, it's hard to 
judge your own skills.

1. We've had some discussions about bringing django-secure into core
as part of a more general "checkdeploy" command. The idea being
something you can run shortly before deployment that'd check for all
the stuff that django-secure checks for -- but also more (outdated
dependencies, debug mode, exposed admin, etc). I think this dovetails
nicely with your proposal: it seems that all these "checks"
(validation, deployment, security) could use a single discovery and
running mechanism. I'd love to see you think about modifying your
proposal to include this sort of unification as well as the bringing
of django-secure into core.
> 3. I tried to find discussions about the additional functionality expected 
from django-secure (you mentioned checking outdated dependencies, debug 
mode and exposed admin), but I didn't succeed. Could you point me to any 
discussion on this mailing list or in the ticket tracker or anywhere else?

I'd possibly add one additional point - the potential for confusion between 
> validation of the type you're describing, and "model validation". This 
> isn't a problem of your making - the ambiguity already exists in Django. 
> However, if we're adding API points on fields, which already support the 
> idea of "validators", we need to be careful we don't confuse issues more. 
> To that end, I'd be interested in seeing at least some initial thoughts on 
> how we can structure the API or change the naming so that this issue is 
> controlled.
> 4. It looks like changing validate into validate_all solves the problem. 
We also have to emphasise the difference between those two mechanisms in 

5. I said that I won't have any trip during GSoC, but I forget about my 
holiday after September 6. This is not backpacking-trip, I will live in a 
hotel with net access, but I won't be able to work full time. I hope that 
you won't disqualify my proposal on this basis -- that can be considered as 
an advantage because I will be highly motivated to finish before time.

6. I've updated my proposal. I'm not repasting it here -- that would be too 
much mess. If you want to see the new version, look at the gist [2]. 
Changes to the proposal in short:

   - *Rewriting the second part of the proposal*. The proposal is not 
   finished, it lacks the "improving django-secure" part.
   - *Changing schedule of the first half* -- removing "write 
   documentation" week. 
   - *Minor changes.* Changing solution -> hint. Changing validate -> 
   validate_all. Changed app validation rules: the file won't 
   be created by default for new apps; if the file exists but it misses 
   validate_all or validate_models functions, then the default ones are 

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