This sounds exciting. I can't wait for this to land in master. Thanks, 

On Sunday, June 2, 2013 10:22:36 AM UTC-4, Michal Petrucha wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> I'm happy to announce that throughout the summer I'll be officially 
> working on composite fields under the supervision of Andrew Godwin as 
> part of this year's GSoC. 
> I'll use this thread to post all my weekly status updates regarding 
> this project. This email gives a brief overview of the current status 
> and a rough outline of my plans, as well as a few questions I'd like 
> to raise with the community. 
> So, as far as currently available code goes, there's a github repo 
> containing my work from the GSoC two years ago, which is outdated and 
> incomplete, but still contains a large amount of working code, most of 
> which should be possible to adapt to the current state of Django. 
> The work can be outlined roughly in the following four steps: 
> 1) create a solid implementation of virtual fields 
> 2) refactor ForeignKey/OneToOneField to become virtual fields 
> 3) implement CompositeField 
> 4) make CompositeField work with as many additional parts of Django as 
>    possible, including GenericForeignKey and inspectdb 
> 5) possibly implement a mechanism to modify the primary key of a model 
>    instance 
> All of the above steps are explained in more detail in the proposal I 
> submitted for the GSoC, available as a gist [1]. 
> Now, for the questions I wanted to raise. 
> ForeignKey customization API 
> ---------------------------- 
> This one is mostly about the extent to which we want the internal 
> implementation of ForeignKey to affect the public API. To keep things 
> backwards compatible, attributes such as db_column or db_index will be 
> just passed to the auto-generated auxiliary field. 
> The question is, do we want to make it possible to specify a custom 
> auxiliary field to a ForeignKey instead of always creating one? 
> A related question, how should it be possible to customize the 
> database columns of composite ForeignKeys? Just make ForeignKey accept 
> a tuple instead of a string? Or just require the user to create the 
> fields (along with a CompositeField) by hand and pass that as the 
> auxiliary field? Any nicer possibility? 
> Either option is rather simple to implement, I just don't really have 
> a strong opinion, although I find both a little bit unpleasant. 
> GenericForeignKey and nontrivial field types 
> -------------------------------------------- 
> As I've indicated in my proposal, just casting any value to a string 
> and then performing a reversible transformation on such strings may 
> work well enough for string and integer database columns, not so much 
> for things like dates, timestamps IP addresses or other similar types. 
> Any ideas on how to make this work? Should I try to extend the backend 
> API to include explicit casts for each nontrivial column type to a 
> string representation equal to the one used by Python? Or should I 
> just document this as unsupported? 
> Updatable primary keys 
> ---------------------- 
> This feature is not directly related to the main objective of this 
> project, which is to implement composite fields. It is just easier for 
> people to get into a situation where this might be required when using 
> composite fields. 
> Full support for this feature would require quite massive changes to 
> the collectors used cascading deletes -- they'd have to be generalized 
> to support cascading updates as well. This would introduce a lot of 
> complexity, obviously. 
> Jeremy Tillman voiced his opinion against this feature in a comment to 
> my proposal. He gives valid arguments -- an update of a primary key 
> would be an expensive operation with potential to kill the performance 
> of any apps doing it. However, the argument that it is easily done 
> with a Model.objects.filter(...).update(...) call is not entirely true 
> as a full implementation of this feature would also cascade. Moreover, 
> it would make this possible in the admin without much hassle. 
> So, seeing that there is at least one voice against this feature, I 
> think it's better to let the community decide if we want it at all. 
> Either way, it's highly unlikely I'd be able to deliver this feature 
> as part of this GSoC, the best I can promise is an initial proof of 
> concept implementation. 
> Michal 
> [1] 

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