I'm sorry I haven't had enough time to review your work. Unfortunately I 
won't have any more time in the near future either. So, it looks like this 
has to wait for 1.8. Sorry for that.

If you want to ask specific questions, #django-dev IRC channel is a good 
place to ask those questions. It is often easier to solve design issues 
real-time than on a mailing list.

 - Anssi

On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 3:57:33 PM UTC+2, Josh Smeaton wrote:
> Quick update. GIS support is nearly done, I just have two failing tests to 
> take care of (one to do with lookups setting srid, and another that is 
> producing the wrong value). I have a few validation checks to make inside 
> prepare, and then it's on to writing tests that make use of aggregates and 
> expressions together. I'm unsure what kind of expressions I can write with 
> GIS queries though, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be glad to 
> implement them.
> Examples of tests with regular aggregates would be:
> .annotate(Sum('field')+Sum('anotherfield'))
> .annotate(Max('field')*2)
> I'm not sure how you'd compose GeoAggregates as I've never used them 
> before.
> I should mention that I've only run GIS tests against PostGIS. I've 
> noticed that Oracle is special cased in a number of areas, so I'd 
> appreciate any help I could receive in testing against Oracle spatial.
> The exact commit is: 
> https://github.com/jarshwah/django/commit/c892c0076398e6aad134fc8df549a54a94ad9dd1
> There was a bug in gis/sql/compiler that passed the quote_name function 
> instead of itself to the expression. Whether or not this change is 
> accepted, that bug should be fixed in master as it breaks the query 
> expression API.
> Cheers,
> - Josh

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