Several months ago, I floated an idea on this forum for re-structuring the environment.

It generated a fair amount of discussion.  The consensus was that something 
really ought to be done, but no one was sure just what.
One strong opinion was that any new changes must involve a major move 
toward 12-factor configuration.
Another opinion was that 12-factor was an okay idea, but is not the best 
answer to many problems, and simply cannot replace in any 
practical way.

So, I have been fiddling with the problem on and off, and I think I have a 
solution which would be acceptable to pretty much everybody.  Here is a 
not-so-short description:

1) Some people (like me, for example) really like the idea of structured 
settings and using DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to switch their configurations 
around easily.
  So I created a new module directory, and named it "preset" (because the 
scripts in it are imported _before_  We can't call it 
"settings" because that would conflict with the name of "", 
which Python does not allow. (I was thinking about the six preset buttons 
on the radio of my Dad's 1957 Chevy.) These "preset" scripts import each 
other as in a classic J.K-M. structured settings design, until finally they 
import the common base settings. 
  For convenience sake, I added preset/test_* to my .gitignore file so that 
I can create test scripts willy-nilly as needed.  I can happly switch 
between them using a simple
"./ somecommand --settings=myproject.preset.test_whatever"
  Also, the preset directory is pre-populated with several example 
scripts.  Rather than trying to explain in how to create a 
DATABASES dictionary of dictionaries, there are several working examples 
for new guys to copy.  One even opens two databases using a router. This 
would have helped me a lot when I was getting started. There are also 
example intermediate-level presets to define local-ish things like time 
zone and email addresses and similar whatnot, with some of the verbose 
explanations from moved into them.

2) Some people want a pure 12-factor configuration with no messing around 
with configuration files.
  They are in luck.  The default preset is 
"<project_name>.preset.default_settings".  So if you don't select any 
(other) preset you get this one.  It is special, because it is a reworked 
version of Kenneth Reitz's fine dj_database_url module.  His idea was that 
you need about the same information to open a distant database as to access 
a distant file, so rather than burn up four or five environment variables, 
just lump all that information into a URL.  So you can say:
  The query keys are passed back as a dictionary, so your settings modules 
can do whatever you want with them. You have two local-programmed 
presets,either or, depending on the value of the 
"?production=" query.  They can be as different or as similar as you wish, 
or one import the other. Do you really want to set the time zone and the 
administrator email-address using environment variables?  Go right ahead.

3)  Some people like things fine just the way they are.  If it ain't broke, 
don't fix it.
   Relax, is right where you expect it, and still does 
everything it did before.  If you really want to keep editing this one 
file, rather than moving your site specific information down into the 
presets, we will not stop you.  All  presets must eventually import Therefore, will always maintain its most important 
function: it defines which applications are part of this project. If proper 
presets are maintained, all implementations of a project will use identical files.

  One potential problem which I have been made aware of is: if 
imports local_settings (and expects those overrides to be final) there 
could be an unpleasant surprise when a preset overrides them. I added code 
to preset/ to issue a warning if it sees that module 
local_settings has been imported -- but I don't know whether I like that 

You can see the present version of the code at in branch *make_presets_neater 
<>* , if you 
really want to see how it would look in a production system.  There are a 
few rough things in the code which would be better with help from the core 
-- like the need to trap and modify ImportError exceptions in order to get 
proper stack traces for errors in settings modules. Also, I wonder if 

So -- is this worth building a Patch so that people can _really_ tear it 
Vernon Cole

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