Hi Russ,

On 09/05/2014 10:38 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> The other way to resolve this would be to rethink the way Django starts up. 
> Settings like MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES have always struck me as being a little
> odd - they're not really settings, they're a way to configure the way
> code is executed without actually writing and executing code. The same
> is true of things like ROOT_URLCONF, a few of the template loaders and
> path specifications, and so on.
> If we were starting green-fields, it seems to me that we wouldn't do it
> this way; the Pyramid/Flask approach of doing this sort of thing by
> actually defining code would make a lot more sense. Django currently has
> a well defined, but opaque startup sequence where settings are loaded
> and then the middlware, urlconfs etc are set up. The alternative would
> be an explicit startup sequence that constructs the desired middlewares,
> installs them into a root urlconf, configures loaders and so on, and
> then sets the environment running.
> This should also avoids the circular dependency problem, because
> anything that needs to do an import in the settings file would be part
> of the configuration process.
> To be clear, I know this would be a huge change. If we went down this
> path, we'd need to maintain the old/current way of deploying Django for
> a long time. In the interests of getting started quickly, it might even
> be desirable to maintain both approaches long term. But having an
> explicit startup sequence would allow for complex middleware
> configuration like this thread has proposed. I'm just throwing this idea
> out on the porch to see if the cat licks it up.

I think this is generally down a similar line as the proposals that have
been floated in the past (e.g. in a talk that Alex Gaynor gave at
DjangoCon(?) a few years ago) to move Django away from its reliance on
process-global configuration.

Currently in Django a "project" is (implicitly) just "a settings
module". The way I could see your proposal happening would be to
introduce a Project (or Config?) class (in any other framework it would
be App, but in Django that name is taken) which exposes APIs for
imperative configuration of things like URLconf, middleware, etc, and
then is itself (or can provide) a WSGI application callable.

Then any script which wants to "start" Django would have two options:
call django.setup(), which implements the current "look for a settings
module and configure an implicit Project based on those settings"
startup, or instantiate their own Project instead.

The knottiest problem with moving away from process-global config is
that it allows for our current "simple" APIs (e.g. import a model class
and query on it, implicitly relying on global DATABASES config; import
"render_to_string" and render a template, implicitly relying on global
TEMPLATE_* config; import "send_mail" and send an email, implicitly
relying on global EMAIL_* config).

It would be possible to bite off the "imperative configuration" piece
without the "kill global config" piece, though - we'd just need to
provide an API (an alternative to django.setup(), or perhaps just an
optional argument to it) that lets you install your own Project/Config
instance as "the implicit global Project/Config", and then go ahead and
use all the relying-on-global-config APIs just as you do now.

Interesting to think about, but also a big chunk of very hypothetical
work :-)


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