I haven't needed to explain why permission has been granted, but I have had 
admins asking me why a user is getting permission denied for a particular 
view. To answer that, you would

1. Get the url
2. Resolve that to a view
3. Look up the view in the correct views.py, and check which permissions 
the permissions_required decorator was using

We managed to automate 1. and 2. but not 3. 

In Django 1.9, the permission_denied view takes the exception as the second 
argument. If the permission_denied decorator included the permission names 
in the message when raising PermissionDenied, we would be able to display 
the list of permissions in the template. Even better, you could show the 
missing permissions, although that would require a larger patch.

Another option would be for the permission_required decorator to set a 
_permissions attribute on the decorated view, containing the list of 
permissions. A custom permission_denied view could then introspect the view.


On Tuesday, 26 April 2016 14:17:37 UTC+1, guettli wrote:
> I would like to decouple the permission checking in django.
> Current draw-back: If you use decorators like  [login_required][1], then 
> you can't know in advance whether a user has the permission to do so or not.
> I would like to split this into two steps:
>  1. check permissions
>  1. call the view.
> # Use Case 1: Admin tool
> I want an tool for admins where they can check the access-permissions of 
> users. This requires:
>  1. The check must not use the current `request.user` since this is the 
> wrong user object.
>  1. The check must not actually call the view, since this might alter data.
> # Use Case 2: Show Link as disabled.
> I want to show links as disabled (grayed out and without "href") if a user 
> does not have the permission to see linked page.
> # Dream
> Returning a boolean for "ok" and "permission denied" is nice. But the big 
> benefit would be if the admin could get a **reason**.
> Example: 
>  1. Admin opens "Check Perm Tool"
>  1. He selects a view/URL
>  1. The admin hits "submit"
> Result:
>     ------------------------------
>     | User     | Allowed | Reason
>     ------------------------------
>     | fooadmin |  Yes    | is_superuser
>     | foouser  |  No     | missing permission "view-bar-at-midnight"
>     | foobar   |  Yes    | User has permission "view-bar-at-midnight"
> # Question
> How to get this dream come true?
>   [1]: 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/topics/auth/default/#django.contrib.auth.decorators.login_required

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