Am Dienstag, 26. April 2016 16:27:32 UTC+2 schrieb Alasdair Nicol:
> I haven't needed to explain why permission has been granted, but I have 
> had admins asking me why a user is getting permission denied for a 
> particular view. To answer that, you would
> 1. Get the url
> 2. Resolve that to a view
> 3. Look up the view in the correct, and check which permissions 
> the permissions_required decorator was using
> We managed to automate 1. and 2. but not 3. 
> In Django 1.9, the permission_denied view takes the exception as the 
> second argument. If the permission_denied decorator included the permission 
> names in the message when raising PermissionDenied, we would be able to 
> display the list of permissions in the template. Even better, you could 
> show the missing permissions, although that would require a larger patch.
I am not 100% sure I understood you. Do you mean this:

1. Users/Browser sends http request to django
2. App checks the permissions
3. App denies the access
4. App renders a custom Permission-Denied page which includes the missing 
    Example: "You must not access this page since you don't have the 
permissions "See Guido naked"

I would like to have this, too. But security experts will tell you: "Don't 
show more than 'permission denied'. Otherwise
evil hackers get more information and systems get hacked more easily."

My steps are like this:

1, 2, 3 like above

4. App renders "permission denied. Ask you admin why you must not access 
the url";
5. User goes to admin crying: "I must not access this url, but I want to 
see ...."
6. Admin enters username and URL in an admin tool, and there he sees: Ah, 
user is missing perm "See ....". 
  One mouse-click by admin: Now you have the perm :-)


> Another option would be for the permission_required decorator to set a 
> _permissions attribute on the decorated view, containing the list of 
> permissions. A custom permission_denied view could then introspect the view.
> cheers,
> Alasdair

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