Hi everyone,
Sorry to ask this, but can I also take a shot in this one? I've been 
interested in this issue since early February.

On Thursday, 21 March 2019 22:28:41 UTC+7, Carlton Gibson wrote:
> Also, sorry, this was the key thread here, plus links therein 
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/django-developers/zfred27yVPg/discussion
> On Thursday, 21 March 2019 16:27:14 UTC+1, Carlton Gibson wrote:
>> Hey Marcio. 
>> If you can demonstrate that your abilities are sufficient in your 
>> proposal, I'm sure we can mentor you through the pull request bit. (It's 
>> just "contributor" implies knowledge of the internals, and the ORM **is** 
>> the scariest bit, so... it's a bit đŸ˜¬ this close to starting.) 
>> You've read the contributing guide right, and had a mooch around? Jump 
>> in! https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/
>> On the Timeline 
>> <https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/how-it-works/#timeline> applications 
>> go from 25/3 to 9/4 so there's time to work on a draft, but Tim's right, we 
>> do need that effort. 
>> Standout areas for me:
>> 1. So we ship a JSONField. With SQLite in mind, most people can't use it, 
>> so we need a How-To of some kind on compiling SQLite   with the json1 
>> extension and putting it in the right place so Python can find it. 
>> 2. For the SQLite PoC, I'd like to see a more aggressive timeline right 
>> at the beginning. The base field with save and load shouldn't be Too Hardâ„¢ 
>> (c.f. jsonb.py 
>> <https://github.com/django/django/blob/0b8abd7cdf1a5bae96dd0640af10ad504f104d06/django/contrib/postgres/fields/jsonb.py#L30-L83>
>> )
>> The issue is (3) the lookups and how to handle integrating those with the 
>> existing postgres ones, the MySQL package and, the Oracle example. 
>> A decent sketch of an answer there and we have a proposal I think. 
>>  (Maybe it's an simple as `as_sqlite()`, `as_oralce()` etc, as with the 
>> existing functions implementations, but...) 
>> Kind Regards,
>> Carlton

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