> This seems a weird suggest, but when apps depend on another app it should
> be able to override settings for that dependency too (because it "uses"
> that app anyway).

It does seem weird to suggest. I haven't seen such a use case myself. Can
you describe in more detail?

For me, I can only imagine it would violate the "principle of least
astonishment" that if I had app A installed for some time, then installed
app B on top, app B would change the default or manually configured
settings of app A. I would prefer if app B complained (via system check)
that I had an incompatible app A configuration.

On Tue, 31 Dec 2019 at 18:10, Christian González <
christian.gonza...@nerdocs.at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> thanks for your fast response - it seems that this is not a "ah, forget
> it, boooring." theme.
> I'll try to answer all (for me) relevant things at once here - sorry to
> write such a huge mail.
> *@Adam Johnson:*
> * A class to read django.conf.settings and add defaults/other logic
> through properties - for example
> https://github.com/adamchainz/django-cors-headers/blob/31b9c2ef8a333a40f18081ffc1f1cba9fb34574d/src/corsheaders/conf.py
> . This has the benefit of easily providing defaults, complex logic such as
> deriving one value from multiple settings, and being read from settings at
> runtime rather than import time.
> This is a good approach too, but it's not namespaced automatically. And
> app settings can't provide and override settings from other apps. This
> seems a weird suggest, but when apps depend on another app it should be
> able to override settings for that dependency too (because it "uses" that
> app anyway).
> I am in favour of most libraries adding a single setting that controls
> them, like DRF has REST_FRAMEWORK. I know django-cors-headers doesn't
> implement the pattern but this is for legacy reasons since I took it over.
> Yes, this basically means namespacing. Depending on the size of the
> library, this could be one big bunch of a setting.
> I think this pattern solves your first concern Christian.
> No it doesn't completely. I used this pattern myself in GDAPS, copied from
> graphene (which copied from DRF). But this does _not_ solve the problem:
> This pattern  creates a per-app settings object which checks at the time of
> using (which is anywhere after main settings.py) if there is a global
> override of the local app's variable - and takes the right one. In this way
> it works. but this is not very convenient - you always have to ask the
> right settings object - it maybe would be more convenient, simpler and
> easier to code to just ask for a namespaced setting, e.g. in a dotted path
> style.
> like settings("django.ROOT_URLCONF") or settings("foo_app.SETTINGA")
> This is not a really good approach as it implements strings.
> As for your second concern, I think checks make manual installation of
> apps easier. If a user adds your app to INSTALLED_APPS, the system checks
> will run and can highlight any missing/misconfigured settings from
> following the installation docs. Most libraries take 3 minutes to do the
> initial install so I'm not sure of the value of automating that step
> compared to adding system checks.
> Perfect.
> *@Matthew Pava*
> I have worked with Drupal for a long time before Django, and am
> maintaining a few sites with Drupal, one of it rather big, with many
> domains & shared content, 40+ modules, API to ther web services, some
> modules custom coded. I learned a lot of it, but PHP is really ugly. Django
> does much better, but, compared with Drupal, it has a few drawbacks. I
> know, Drupal is a CMS, Django is a framework (which you can build a CMS
> with) - BUT: Drupal is able (like Wordpress) to add modules/plugins per web
> download and on-the-fly - it installs modules into place, has a very good
> hooks system and a plugin manager. It also was a help when I designed GDAPS
> and was one of my blueprints. Drupal however keeps ALL of it's settings in
> the database which creates many problems on it's own
> (development/deployment problems how to sync settings from disk to database
> and vice versa). I wouldn't do that. Settings in code/conf files is a good
> thing IMHO.
> The package manager in Drupal is composer, yes, and together with GDAPS,
> you could use GDAPS Django packages exactly the sameway. Just install it
> using pip/pipenv, and Dajngo/GDAPS finds them automatically.
> But this can only be achieved by adding a line to settings.py (call the
> plugin manager), like I did:
> https://gdaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Installation.html#installation
> These are just hacks because Django doesn't have declarative settings.
> I suggest that if changing to declarative, it MUST be backwards
> compatible, yes. So there could be an _internal_ settings.py which loads
> environment variables, the bespoken config file, and like I said, **if**
> there is a settings.py in the project, Django could use it - to override
> settings in a way just code could do it.
> *@Jacob Rief and @Tom Forbes*
> Sure, JSON was just one idea. It's "xml 2.0", and not suited to be written
> by humans easily. yaml or toml would be better, in fact, in a first
> approach of GDAPS I used toml as meta config data for my Django plugins. I
> decided (because there IS no common framework in Django, and I didn't want
> to add another dependency) to let it go and am using an attribute of
> AppConfig ATM - code again.
> > *Some settings must be taken from the environment.*
> Sure. DJANGO_SECRET_KEY etc. But this could be handled by the "internal"
> settings.py file.
> > *So rather than just “allowing people to use JSON files for settings”* *it
> would be very interesting to explore what a pluggable settings backend
> would look like.*
> *Now that's the main point IMHO**. *
> I know Drupal a bit here, and They struggled until v7. You can read about
> "Configuration management" here:
> https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/configuration-management/managing-your-sites-configuration
> *By default, the "active" configuration is stored in the database
> ("config" table). This is for **performance and security reasons
> <https://www.drupal.org/node/2241059>**. This is the complete
> configuration for the entire site at that moment. Configuration can be
> exported and imported as YAML files, either in its entirety, or a single
> piece of configuration, using **Drush **and/or** Drupal Console** config
> commands or the **Configuration Manager**. (See below for more details.)*
> Performance is a good reason here. getting settings from database is
> really fast. But I didn't like it. If I would design a settings backend, I
> would even make it pluggable... so that the user doesn't have to know there
> the settings come from.
> from django.conf import settings
> if settings.FOO.FOO_SETTING:
>     pass
> the settings object could transparently check if any apps implement a
> "FOO" named object, and ask that object for "FOO_SETTING". This way the
> user always could ask the main settings object, but settings would be
> keeped namespaced.
> This is just like **i** would do it - again - just my 2 cents.
> BTW - and this is combined with it - Django IMHO needs a hooks system,
> like Drupal has. each point in code which needs "hooks" has it's own
> pattern of checking apps (search for modules, attributes in modules etc).
> Signals are not suitable enough and add complexity to the code structure.
> The GDAPS approach is an idea on how this "could" look like - even to use
> per-app settings:
> # Dream- and pseudo code (GDAPS integrated in Django ;-) ):
> # get interface for settings from Django (now GDAPS)
> from drupal.interfaces import ISettings
> for settings_object in ISettings:
>     global_settings.merge(settings_object)
> So all plugins implementing ISettings are automatically found and can be
> merged in a way which needs to be done yet ;-)
> Yes, maybe I'm dreaming a bit. Dynamic app loading won't be applied any
> time soon in Django I suppose, btu settings could be done really better.
> If a can help in any way here, maybe even with code, please tell me.
> Have a Happy New Year everyone!
> Greetings from Salzburg,
> Christian
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