I have a pretty big django project, and since I created the 100th migration 
within one of its apps today, I thought I'd finally do some squashing. It 
hasn't gone well, but I eventually got the data migrations cleaned up. 

Finally, I run it, and it runs smack into a CircularDependencyError, as 
described here:


Basically, from what I understand, after the squash you have one migration 
that depends on various others from your other apps. Naturally, that 
totally falls over, because can't go from this series of migrations:

app1: migration 1
app2: migration 1
app2: migration 2
app1: migration 2

To, well...any series of migrations in which migration 1&2 from app1 or 
app2 have been squashed. The docs have something to say about this*, but it 
feels like this must affect practically any biggish project. 

Stackoverflow also has a variety of dubious (and very complex) advice (read 
it and weep):


So, my question is: Do people actually use squashmigrations with success? 
And if not, is it reasonable to consider deprecating it or fixing the bug, 
or updating the docs to loudly say it largely doesn't work? I'm surprised 
the issue above has so little movement since it was created seven years 

Maybe it's just me? If not, it'd be nice to do something to help future 
people with ambitions of a simple squash.


* Note that model interdependencies in Django can get very complex, and 
squashing may result in migrations that do not run; either mis-optimized 
(in which case you can try again with --no-optimize, though you should also 
report an issue), or with a CircularDependencyError, in which case you can 
manually resolve it.

To manually resolve a CircularDependencyError, break out one of the 
ForeignKeys in the circular dependency loop into a separate migration, and 
move the dependency on the other app with it. If you’re unsure, see how 
deals with the problem when asked to create brand new migrations from your 
models. In a future release of Django, squashmigrations 
will be updated to attempt to resolve these errors itself. [Author's note: 
These sentences really leave me blowing in the wind...maybe I can figure 
out what they mean, I guess? I thought squashing was supposed to be easy.]

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      • ... Kye Russell
        • ... Andrew Godwin
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              • ... Ryan Hiebert
              • ... Hanne Moa
            • ... René Fleschenberg
              • ... 'Mike Lissner' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
            • ... Shai Berger

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