On Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 4:23:03 PM UTC+2 Carlton Gibson wrote:

> Then as Maxim points out, this is already possible with overriding the 
> template. 
That's what I did of course in the first place. It however turns out that 
you have to copy quite a bunch of boilerplate code, the complete {% block 
content %}, in order to add a tiny Javascript snippet.
Since Django templates can evolve considerably between versions, this can 
lead to other side effects after upgrading.
An alternative would be add a {% block objects_to_be_deleted %} around the 
list of objects-to-be-deleted. This at least would allow to simpler extend 
that template. 

> I would argue that if the list of objects is "overwhelming" / 
> "unsettling", then this is perhaps an indicator that the admin interface is 
> being used beyond its intended scope. The admin is designed for site 
> administrators, mostly developers. Yes, most projects seem to push it 
> beyond that, but we can't make it something for all people.
Well Django-CMS is built around the Django-Admin user interface and its 
users typically are not site administrators. Moreover, why would Django 
a sophisticated permission framework, if the only users being "allowed" to 
work with the Django-Admin are "site administrators".

Side note, if you're unfamiliar with Django-CMS: Whenever you delete a 
CMS-page, you also delete its page-titles, placeholders and their plugins, 
which can lead to a really long list of objects to be deleted.

– Jacob

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    • ... Danilov Maxim
      • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
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          • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
            • ... Carlton Gibson
              • ... Jacob Rief
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          • ... Jacob Rief
            • ... Carlton Gibson
              • ... Jacob Rief
                • ... Carlton Gibson

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