Hi Jon.

There's: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/31949 "Allow builtin view
decorators to be applied directly to async views."
I think this is likely the next step.

There's a PR for that, which I think took a too complex approach (see
discussion). A simpler (more inline) take be good to see.

> My personal interest in this is about django.contrib.auth (login,
authenticate, etc.)

This was missing from the PR on #31949, so if you wanted to pick it up... 😜

(Not sure about the value of rewriting the built-in views though if that's
what you're thinking of 🤔)

> ...and django.contrib.syndication (views.Feed)

Not sure what you have in mind here. Perhaps explaining that in more detail
would help?
(I'm not immediately sure I see the benefit of async for the feed views? 🤔)

Kind Regards,


On Sun, 27 Nov 2022 at 23:02, Jon Janzen <j...@jonjanzen.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Sorry if I'm not following correct protocol on this or if this has already
> been discussed elsewhere, but is there any consensus about (or needed for)
> creating async versions of contrib packages?
> My personal interest in this is about django.contrib.auth (login,
> authenticate, etc.) and django.contrib.syndication (views.Feed) but I would
> guess this sort of work would fall under a general policy.
> I read DEP009
> <https://github.com/django/deps/blob/main/accepted/0009-async.rst> and
> didn't see any discussion of this topic, nor could I find any discussions
> on the ticket tracker (my skills using the tracker are limited). I could
> only find 2 files mentioning "async" in django/contrib/ (git grep "async"
> django/contrib | grep "\.py:"):
> * django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py (added by me recently
> <https://github.com/django/django/commit/7b94847e384b1a8c05a7d4c8778958c0290bdf9a>,
> a bug fix <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/34139>)
> * django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py (added as part of standing up
> async support
> <https://github.com/django/django/commit/a415ce70bef6d91036b00dd2c8544aed7aeeaaed>
> )
> Has there been any consensus about this? If I'm interested in async
> versions of functions/features in contrib packages should I just file
> tickets, or is this something that might need a DEP first?
> Again, sorry if I'm barking up the wrong tree. It's not my intention to
> waste anyone's time!
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