Hey Carlton,

There's: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/31949 "Allow builtin view
> decorators to be applied directly to async views."
> I think this is likely the next step.
> There's a PR for that, which I think took a too complex approach (see
> discussion). A simpler (more inline) take be good to see.

Thanks, I saw this ticket but it didn't look relevant when I was skimming
the tracker. I'll take a closer look.

> My personal interest in this is about django.contrib.auth (login,
> authenticate, etc.)
> This was missing from the PR on #31949, so if you wanted to pick it up...
> 😜

I'll take a closer look, I think I might be able to do that :D

> (Not sure about the value of rewriting the built-in views though if that's
> what you're thinking of 🤔)
> > ...and django.contrib.syndication (views.Feed)
> Not sure what you have in mind here. Perhaps explaining that in
> more detail would help?
> (I'm not immediately sure I see the benefit of async for the feed views?
> 🤔)

Not for the view itself, but for individual fields that compose the Feed.

I want to define an async "item_categories" method when I subclass Feed due
to an async-only permissions system I have that is out-of-scope here, but
that isn't possible right now so I pre-compute each of these values and
pass in a composite object with the source object and item_categories

I would rather just declare an async function and let the framework figure
out how to resolve the values reasonably efficiently for me. I don't want
to pay the cost of async_to_sync for each item in the feed :/

I'm fine with setting this one aside, as I said I already have a
workaround. But I can file a ticket just to track this one?

 - Jon

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