
> Unless we want to drop support for the CITEXT extension, ...

What do you mean by that? As far as I'm now, we don't do anything special 
to support CITEXT extension 🤔.

> I'd caution to revert the deprecation and keep support ...

I'm obviously biased as the author of this proposition and patch, however, 
IMO, small differences between using CI fields and collations don't justify 
maintaining 3 additional fields that were mostly untested. Also, they are 
deprecated in a LTS so folks still have *3* more years to update their 
code. In the worst case someone can create 3rd party package with them.

Unless something is fundamentally broken I'm against reverting.


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  • D... Mariusz Felisiak
    • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
      • ... Mariusz Felisiak
        • ... Mariusz Felisiak
          • ... Mariusz Felisiak
            • ... Silvio
              • ... Mariusz Felisiak
                • ... 'Johannes Maron' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... Mariusz Felisiak
                • ... Tom Carrick
                • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... 'Johannes Maron' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... fly.a...@gmail.com
                • ... 'Johannes Maron' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... 'Johannes Maron' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... 'Johannes Maron' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... gw...@fusionbox.com
                • ... Matthew Graham

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